Producer Price Index down 4.6% YoY in May
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Producer Price Index (PPI) for manufactured goods was down 4.6% YoY and down 0.9% MoM in May, when the price of the chemical industry was down 12.2% YoY and down 2% MoM, according ot data the National Bureau of Statistics issued on June 9. As for other main industrial categories, the price of the petroleum and natural gas extraction industry was down 19.1% YoY (down 2.1% MoM), that of the ferrous metal smelting and pressing industry down 16.8% YoY (down 4.2% MoM), that of the coal mining and washing industry down 13.1% YoY (down 5.2% MoM), that of the non-ferrous metal smelting and pressing industry down 8.4% YoY (down 1.1% MoM), that of the automobile manufacturing industry down 1.1% YoY (down 0.2% MoM), while that of the electricity and heat power production and supply industry up 1.6% YoY (up 0.1% MoM).