Monsanto and Hunan University Collaborate in Novel Genes for Crop Improvement
Year:2009 ISSUE:16
Click:214    DateTime:Jun.05,2009
Monsanto and Hunan University Collaborate in Novel Genes for Crop Improvement      

Monsanto Company and Hunan University announced on April 3rd that they have entered into a four-year research and licensing agreement focused on identifying novel plant genes with attributes such as higher yield, drought resistance and enhanced nitrogen utilization.
   With the increasing global demand for food, fuel and fiber, the need to use the best technologies to grow more crops on each acre of farmland is a high priority for both the public and private sectors. The research program at Hunan University will employ novel tools and methods to systematically study the function of genes that could have broad applications in major field crops.
   "The collaboration will further support Monsanto's commitment to double yields in its core crops by 2030, reduce by one-third key inputs such as water and nitrogen, and help improve farmers' lives," said Steve Padgette, vice president of biotechnology for Monsanto.