Zhongtai Chemical Invests More in Emission Reduction
Year:2009 ISSUE:11
Click:192    DateTime:Apr.23,2009
Zhongtai Chemical Invests More in Emission Reduction    

Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co., Ltd. (Zhongtai Chemical, SZ: 002092) recently reported it received a RMB9.7 million award from the government for its excellent performance in controlling pollution in 2008.
   The company has invested more in reducing pollutants and energy consumption, according to its 2008 fiscal result report. In the PVC production, the company uses a combined method to treat the waste water, and pump the cleaned water back to PVC production system, which helps the company cut the waste water by 1.5 million tons in 2008, translating to a COD reduction of 300 tons or 8% over 2007. In treating waste gases, the company employed the cyclic fluidized bed furnace and used the advanced desulfurization technology, reducing sulfur dioxide emission by 8%. The new PSA unit reduces the vinyl chloride content in distillation flue gas mixture markedly, annually recovering 4 000 tons of vinyl chloride monomer and 355 tons of hydrogen. To treat the waste calcium carbide residues, the company, jointly with Tianshan Cement Company, constructed a 1 600 ton per day calcium carbide to cement project and put it into operation in February 2008.