Air Products Builds CO Coldbox in China
Year:2009 ISSUE:3
Click:218    DateTime:Jan.21,2009
Air Products Builds CO Coldbox in China     

On January 13th, Air Products announced it has completed the manufacturing of a world-scale carbon monoxide (CO) coldbox at its cryogenic equipment manufacturing facility in Caojing, Shanghai for Yangzi Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sinopec Corp. It is the largest CO coldbox and the largest workshop-built CO coldbox that Air Products has ever constructed for its customers globally.
   Weighing over 300 tons and measuring over 70 000 cubic feet, the CO coldbox was completely manufactured at the Caojing Manufacturing Facility in Shanghai, one of Air Products' three global manufacturing centers to build various types of industrial gas separation equipment.  
   The coldbox will produce over 300 000 tons per year of CO and will be used in the 500 000 ton per year acetic acid factory of Yangzi Petrochemical. In addition to CO, the coldbox will produce hydrogen and syngas, a mix of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, to produce methanol, fuel, acetic acid and other products. Air Products will ship the CO coldbox via the Yangtze River to deliver it to its facility at the Nanjing Petrochemical Complex in Jiangsu province.