RICP Technology Commercial Application
Year:2007 ISSUE:28
Click:207    DateTime:Oct.08,2007
RICP Technology Commercial Application     

The commercial application test of the RICP technology (residuum hydrogenation and heavy oil catalytic cracking bi-oriented combination) jointly completed by the Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Qilu Branch Company of Sinopec and Sinopec Engineering Corporation has passed the technical appraisal organized by Sinopec Group. The calculation made to the application of the technology in Qilu Branch Company of Sinopec shows that the technical renovation cost is only RMB7.5 million and the economic return generated each year is around RMB84.0 million.
   RICP technology uses heavy circulation oil (HCO) from catalytic cracking units to replace dilute oil (vacuum wax oil) and blends it into residuum hydrogenation feedstock. Hydrogenated atmospheric residuum is used as catalytic cracking feedstock. The blending of highly-aromatic HCO into residuum hydrogenation feedstock can promote residuum hydrogenation to remove impurities, metals in particular and also inhibit carbon accumulation on residuum hydrogenation catalysts.