NYFCIC Launches Calcium Propionate Unit
Year:2007 ISSUE:15
Click:210    DateTime:May.25,2007
NYFCIC Launches Calcium Propionate Unit

Construction on a 10 000 t/a food-grade calcium propionate unit
was recently started in Nanjing Chemical Industry Park, Jiangsu
province. The project is funded by Nanjing YPC Fine Chemical
Industry Company Ltd. (NYFCIC). The first phase is expected to
be put on stream in September 2007. The company will become the
biggest supplier of food-grade calcium propionate in China at
that time.
   Calcium propionate is regarded by the international
community to be a food anti-staling agent with great safety, no
toxicity and mildew resistance. Its capacity in the domestic
market is only 5 000 t/a today. The completion of the project
will change the import dependence of calcium propionate in China.
Calcium propionate has a supply shortage in both domestic and
overseas markets. Main raw material propionic acid for the
project will be from BASF-YPC Company Ltd.