Accident Page
Year:2006 ISSUE:36
Click:182    DateTime:Jan.22,2007
Accident Page

Explosion in Shanghai Synica Chemicals   
On November 25th, 2006 an explosion took place at a discarded
chemicals production workshop in Shanghai Synica Chemicals Co.,
Ltd. located in Putuo District, Shanghai. The accident caught
fire and made 2 workers burn at scene. One worker made a drill
steel quench after forging under extremely high temperature in
the ponding, which is actually chemical residue flew from the
pipeline. Therefore, concentrated chemical gas got explosion
with fire. Major products in Shanghai Synica Chemicals Co., Ltd.
include organic chemicals, flavors and synthetic new materials.

Explosion in Lanzhou Petrochemical
On December 11th, 2006, an explosion broke out at the TK1808
atmospheric steam tank of the 20 000 t/a maleic anhydride unit
in the Assistant Plant of Lanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. in
Lanzhou, Gansu province. Construction was just started on the
20 000 t/a maleic anhydride unit. The accident caused 3 deaths.
According to the test made by the local environmental protection
department, no air pollution happened to the Yellow River nearby.
No specific reason was released yet.

Fire in Hualun Solvent Plant
On December 3rd, 2006 a 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene expression
workshop caught fire in Yangzhou Hualun Solvent Plant located
in Jiangdu, Jiangsu province. There are 2.5 tons of
tetramethylbenzene in that workshop when the accident happened.
One fireman got badly burnt in the high-temperature waste water
during the fire fighting.