Coal-to-Acetylene Technology in Xinjiang
Year:2006 ISSUE:12
Click:194    DateTime:Apr.26,2006
 Coal-to-Acetylene Technology in Xinjiang

The technology for the production of acetylene from coal through plasma pyrolysis developed by Xinjiang Tianye Group Corporation in collaboration with ion research units of the Russian Research Institute and the Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as Fudan University has recently made breakthrough advances. The technology can directly extract acetylene gas from coal. Coal-to-acetylene experimental units are developed and the clean and high-effect acetylene production is made from coal. Two 2MW plasma pyrolysis coal-to-acetylene experimental units are already completed in Hefei of Anhui province. First debugging is finished and overall running has started. The maximum power reaches 1.28MW, the carbon conversion rate is 20% and 1 600 tons of acetylene can be produced a year.