The Output of China Major Chemicals in October 1999
Year:1999 ISSUE:37
Click:214    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
               The Output of China Major Chemicals in October 1999
Chemical Products       Output (ton)                              Jan.-Oct.         Compared with the same
          October            (ton)                  period of 1998, %
Total industrial output value ('000 yuan)       2621648 25641040        111.30
Pyrite (total output)   706304  6669537 79.25
Pyrite (transp. output) 597398  6411004 80.59
Phosphorus ore (total output)   1294109 12640421        106.78  
Phosphorus ore (transp. output) 1271319 11955412        101.04
Native borax (total output)     53281   778725  78.56
Sulfuric acid   1724515 16875031        107.24  
Nitric acid (concentrated)      60934   531836  89.21
Boric acid      1498    13173   157.74
Chlorosulfonic acid     6321    53142   94.46
Soda ash        615414  6230758 101.41
Caustic soda    476423  6536412 110.49
Sodium sulfide  21730   198883  99.62
Sodium  sulfate (anhydrous)     116839  1328084 99.41
Sodium cyanide  2123    26624   84.48
Synthetic ammonia       2833364 29288809        110.11
  including: large-sized plants 870758  8168440 118.36
                 medium-sized plants    500979  5008079 100.79
                 small-sized plants     1461627 16112290        110.97
Chemical fertilizers    2466842 25086479        110.22
  including: Nitrogenous        2015325 20422644        112.13
    including: large-sized plants       643498  6095283 111.28
                   medium-sized plants  322778  3247300 102.04
                   small-sized plants   1056068 11116469        114.29
                   Phosphorus   403283  4362500 110.44
    including: common calcium   236454  2428093 99.62
                  calcium-magnesium     44425   547176  78.55
                    others      122404  1387231 123.25
                  Potassium     48235   301335  125.80
Urea    2542776 24356058        119.90
Ammonium nitrate        175195  2327103 188.01
Ammonium diacid phosphate       120617  1367415 120.23
Ammonium dibasic phosphate      53853   643979  108.40
Compound & mixed fertilizers    275596  3151390 95.84
Chemical pesticides     22742   363929  112.87
  including: insecticide        14692   251017  108.42
                  bactericide   2533    41875   123.12
                  herbicide     4808    57433   134.58
                  trichlorphon  669     15508   109.73
                  dichlorouos   1804    23666   109.31
                  dimethoate    540     7342    88.26
                  parathion-methyl      771     16124   89.00
                  parathion-ethyl       62      2417    85.91
                  omethoate     1417    18442   157.03
Sodium borates  13744   165497  102.83
Phosphorus (yellow)     28026   221335  105.71
Sulfur  11051   108522  101.02
Crude benzene   12117   113354  107.43
Pure benzene    141046  1296243 117.