The Output of China Major Chemicals in Sept. 1998
Year:1998 ISSUE:34
Click:189    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
           The Output of China Major Chemicals in Sept. 1998
Chemical Products  Output (ton)  Jan.--Sept.  Compared with the same
                     Sept.         (ton)      period of 1997, %
Total industrial output
value ('000 yuan)    2 543 225   20 766 944     103.69
Pyrite (total output)   895 364  7 530 366      84.55
Pyrite (transp. output) 872 096  7 161 859      87.18
Phosphorus ore (total
output)               1 455 215  11 663 018     96.09
Phosphorus ore (transp.
output)               1 069 182  11 459 624     103.13
Native borax (total
  output)               127 690  921 609        102.33
Sulfuric acid         1 668 836  13 868 804     105.82
Nitric acid (conc-
entrated)                  73 656  589 289      130.54
Boric acid                 1 448           7 783        125.15
Chlorosulfonic acid               6 346   50 106        91.41
Soda ash                 690 026        5  504 661      104.39
Caustic soda      401 234       3 721 660       96.12
Sodium sulfite        22 007    179 283         109.72
Sodium  sulfate (anhydrous)123 593      1 200 246       108.33
Sodium cyanide  3 254     28 299        127.98
Synthetic ammonia       2 770 592       23 371 515      101.60
  including: large-sized plants  708 264        6 013 736       111.53
                 medium-sized plants  506 495   4 428 065       101.56
                 small-sized plants     1 555 833       12 929 714      97.61
Chemical fertilizers    2 451 199       20 267 662      104.95
  including: Nitrogenous        1 913 580       15 943 058      101.78  
    including: large-sized plants 534 870       4 553 332       110.86
                   medium-sized plants 307 947  2 833 553       109.79
                   small-sized plants 1 056 989  8 598 185      96.32
                   Phosphorus   492 470  3 778 724      106.66
    including: common calcium   270 775  2 130 719      103.96
                  calcium-magnesium 79 125      630 494         99.40
                    others      142 391  1 016 230      118.29
                  Potassium     27 372   200 459        191.16
Urea    2 241 451       18 767 280      109.09
Ammonium nitrate        120 680  1 108 190      83.93
Ammonium diacid phosphate       130 053  1 003 516      127.75
Ammonium dibasic phosphate      83 325   518 837        120.12
Compound & mixed fertilizers    379 477  2 931 589      112.01
Chemical pesticides     28 443   307 107        107.37
  including: insecticide        20 831   215 926        103.01
                  bactericide   2 608   31 600  100.27
                  herbicide     3 594   42 977  109.72
                  trichlorphon  1 507   13 101  94.97