The first 20 countries (regions) imported chemicals from China in the first 7 months of 1998
Year:1998 ISSUE:30
Click:208    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
The first 20 countries (regions) imported chemicals from China in the first 7 months of 1998
Countries               Quantity                Volume              Major Chemicals Imported
(Regions)              Kg              USD                                                        
United States   7713965703      4586780049      Various plastic or rubber footwear,  Other  plastic                                                                     articles, Petroleum
Hong Kong       16017765854     3344464483      Various plastic or rubber footwear,  Other      plastic                                                                         articles, Other prepared enzymes, Man-made staple                                                                       fibres, Light diesel oil    
Japan           15887181183      2341722082  Petroleum, Various footwear, Plastic articles, Other                                                                       silicon                        
Korea, Rep       9116943332      1090351921  Petroleum, Gasolene, Disperse dyes, Man-made                                                                               filaments, Man-made staple fibres              
Germany     787388464    696842082  Various footwear, Plastic articles, Fireworks, Other                                                                        antibiotics, Vitamin E , Coke and semi-coke
Netherlands      1251687033   579072774  Divanadium pentaoxides, Molybdenum oxides and
                                                                        hydroxides, Plastics articles, Rosin, Footwear, Coke
United Kingdom 633140209  449419719  Plastic articles, Coke, Various footwear, Molybdenum                                                                       oxides and hydroxides,    
Taiwan prov.  4832677839  402772114   Light diesel oil, Other cement, Disperse dyes, Plastic                                                                    articles
Singapore       1377679294  330219231   Gasolene, Petroleum, Man-made staple fibres,                                                                            Other cement,   Other lubricating oils, Light diesel oil
Italy        750741863          295306162  Coke and semi-coke, Plastic articles, Various footwear,                             &n