The Output of China Major Chemicals in May 1998
Year:1998 ISSUE:21
Click:189    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
         The Output of China Major Chemicals
                   in May 1998
Chemical Products       Output (ton)     Jan. -- May      Compared with the same
               May             (ton)              period of 1997, %
Total industrial output value ('000 yuan)       2 596 897       11 718 444      103.21
Pyrite (total output)   979 807 4 053 975       86.69
Pyrite (transp. output) 891 543 3 848 688       88.39
Phosphorus ore (total output)   1 505 137       6 353 035       104.24
Phosphorus ore (transp. output) 1 403 325       5 948 142       117.41
Native borax (total output)     306 873 581 973 120.56
Sulfuric acid   1 695 015       7 545 932       106.52
Nitric acid (concentrated)      103 533 312 972 124.45
Boric acid      299     2 329   42.46
Chlorosulfonic acid     6 100   29 465  94.15   
Soda ash        631 432 3 079 096       103.20  
Caustic soda    475 415 2 097 678       97.76
Sodium sulfite  21 317  91 276  97.18   
Sodium  sulfate (anhydrous)     143 360 581 171 96.38
Sodium cyanide  2 155   9 873   78.67
Synthetic ammonia       2 850 564       12 672 723      93.81   
  including: large-sized plants 766 114 3 199 029       106.59
                 medium-sized plants    519 946 2 528 024       98.22
                 small-sized plants     1 564 504       6 945 670       87.55
Chemical fertilizers    2 396 822       10 778 942      95.24
  including: Nitrogenous        1 906 230       8 635 313       92.93
    including: large-sized plants       566 000 2 570 609       108.99
                   medium-sized plants  294 653 1 404 333       92.27
                   small-sized plants   1 028 501       4  622 086      85.40
                   Phosphorus   451 957 2  053 952      103.65
    including: common calcium   256 297 1  171 692      102.59
                  calcium-magnesium     79 532  357 759 99.67
                    others      116 128 524 501 109.14
                  Potassium     38 635  89 677  208.36
Urea    2 133 623       10 273 749      105.49
Ammonium nitrate        137 764 624 487 78.19
Ammonium diacid phosphate       108 877 522 259 117.50
Ammonium dibasic phosphate      69 309  279 841 118.20
Compound & mixed fertilizers    377 932 1 836 475       116.93
Chemical pesticides     39 109  172 211 101.72
  including: insecticide        28 015  118 215 98.55
                  bactericide   3 748   18 046  95.39
                  herbicide     5 741   28 625  107.18
                  trichlorphon  1 817   7 406   79.25
                  dichlorouos   2 236   10 223  84.40
                  dimethoate    1 056   4 915   113.26
                  parathion-methyl      1 908   8 826   133.38
                  parathion-ethyl       470     1 418   66.17
                  omethoate     1 677  &n