The Output of China Major Chemicals in April 1998
Year:1998 ISSUE:17
Click:194    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
              The Output of China Major Chemicals in April 1998
Chemical Products       Output (ton)     Jan. -- Apr.     Compared with the same
                     April                              period of 1997, %
Total industrial output value ('000 yuan)         2 580 879      9 082 882      101.80
Pyrite (total output)     881 293        3 067 450      85.97
Pyrite (transp. output) 895 129  2 949 671      90.75
Phosphorus ore (total output)    1 398 370       4 845 606      103.52
Phosphorus ore (transp. output)  1 268 888       4 532 787      98.84
Native borax (total output)     69 861    275 100       80.66
Sulfuric acid    1 569 868       5 725 376      102.40
Nitric acid (concentrated)      56 305  209 439 107.46
Boric acid        100   2 001   46.31
Chlorosulfonic acid     6 568   23 365  92.90
Soda ash        604 059  2 447 668      102.62
Caustic soda    433 914  1 622 264      95.82
Sodium sulfite  20 573  69 959  99.84   
Sodium  sulfate (anhydrous)     122 360 418 583 94.51
Sodium cyanide  1 963   7 718   76.48
Synthetic ammonia        2 707 858       9 888 670      90.77
  including: large-sized plants 679 964  2 603 028      107.68
                 medium-sized plants    474 821  1 918 788      91.80
                 small-sized plants      1 553 073       5 366 854      84.03
Chemical fertilizers     2 335 670       8 490 983      94.14
  including: Nitrogenous         1 827 970       6 824 253      91.87
    including: large-sized plants       523 462  2 105 093      115.92
                   medium-sized plants  276 410  1 129 720      91.11
                   small-sized plants    1 028 098       3 589 440      82.09
                   Phosphorus   484 801  1 594 479      101.91
    including: common calcium   287 418 907 491 99.98
                  calcium-magnesium     94 689  278 265 100.78
                    others      102 694 408 723 107.29
                  Potassium     22 899  51 042  193.98
Urea            2 040 914                8 028 859      103.02
Ammonium nitrate        107 869 486 720 74.56
Ammonium diacid phosphate       112 274 410 220 115.71
Ammonium dibasic phosphate      53 876  210 532 101.55
Compound & mixed fertilizers    433 788  1 276 441      106.68
Chemical pesticides     38820   132437  98.28
  including: insecticide        26730   89584   93.91
                  bactericide   4241    14297   96.92
                  herbicide     6030    22874   105.86
                  trichlorphon  1771    5589    69.56
                  dichlorouos   2390    7987    81.91
                  dimethoate    1046    3859    112.42
                  parathion-methyl &n