Chemical Projects to Be Constructed in Southwest China
Year:1998 ISSUE:34
Click:193    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
   Chemical Projects to Be Constructed in Southwest China
With the readjustment of industrial structure, a  group  of
chemical projects will be constructed in Sichuan,  Yunnan,
Guizhou and Chongqing.
Sichuan  Chengdu  Chemical  Industrial  Co. ,   Ltd.    and
International Finance Co. will establish a  joint  venture
company Chengdu Potash Chemical  Industrial
Co., Ltd. and construct a high  purity   caustic    potash
unit  in  Yujiang Chemical Plant located  in   Pengzhou.  
The  project  will  have  a  total  investment  of  198. 3
million yuan and a capacity of 20 000  t/a  high    purity
caustic potash, 5 000 t/a chloromethane  and  16  000  t/a
hydrochloric acid. Yunnan will develop the east section of
the Nanning-Kunming    Railway    first  into  a  chemical
industrial zone based on sulfuric acid  and  then  into  a
heavy chemical industrial base.
Guizhou  has  abundant  phosphate  resources   ready    for
recovery.     The feasibility study  report  on    a    15
000  t/a  feed- grade  defluorinated tricalcium  phosphate
unit in Kaiyang Phosphate Chemical Industrial Co. ,   Ltd.
has passed the  evaluation  of  experts.   The  glauconite
potassic  fertilizer plant constructed in  Weng'an  County
started production in August  and  can produce 15 000 tons
of glauconite potassic fertilizer by the end  of  this year.
The  evaluation  of  a  sodium  pyrosulfite  and   dimethyl
sulfoxide project is in full swing, and efforts are  being
made to start the project at the end  of this year  or  at
the beginning of next year.