Production Localization of Monochloroethane Used in Ethylene Oxide Production
Year:1998 ISSUE:32
Click:211    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
       Production Localization of Monochloroethane Used
               in Ethylene Oxide Production
The  traditional  ethylene  oxide  production  by  ethylene
oxidation uses dichloroethane as inhibitor to  avoid  deep
oxidation of ethylene. Monochloroethane has now become the
  first  choice  because  it   has   less   toxicity   than
dichloroethane, little corrosion to equipment,  convenient
operation and flexible process conditions.
The 55 000 t/a ethylene oxide unit in  Tianjin  Integrated
Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.   uses  monochloroethane  as
inhibitor. However, more than 6.6 million yuan has  to  be
spent every year on the  imports.   The  company  has  now
achieved production localization of  monochloroethane  and
used the product  in  the  imported  unit  to  reduce  the
production cost.
There are more than 10 ethylene oxide units in China,   and
  most  of  them  use  dichloroethane  as  inhibitor.   The
production localization of monochloroethane will pave  the
way for the use of monochloroethane as inhibitor in  these