15 000 t/a Neopentyl Glycol Project Completed and Put into Operation
Year:1998 ISSUE:17
Click:203    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
  15 000 t/a Neopentyl Glycol Project Completed and Put into Operation
                           By Yang Tiewen
The 15 000 t/a neopentyl glycol unit jointly constructed  by  BASF  and
Jilin Chemical Industrial Corporation made a successful startup on May
4 and produced qualified product.
It is a joint venture project between the Chemical Fertilizer Plant  of
Jilin Chemical Industrial Corporation  and  the  Organic  Intermediate
Division of BASF.   BASF  holds  60%  ownership  on  the  strength  of
production technology and key equipment.
The basic design is  provided  by  BASF  and  the  preliminary  design,
detailed design, procurement of domestic equipment and  materials  and
  project  management  are  undertaken  by  Jilin  Chemical  Industrial