Market Situation of Five Major Kinds of Plastics
Year:1998 ISSUE:36
Click:184    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
       Market Situation of Five Major Kinds of Plastics
As Chinese buyers are consid-ering the new offers  made  by
foreign suppliers for goods to be delivered  in  December,
the price of PVC is basically stable. The price offered by
Japan for goods to be delivered in December has  increased
to 510 - 520 U.S. dollars per ton ( CIF  Hong  Kong) . The
price recovery of PVC started from the  high  price  offer
made by the United States. The average  price  offered  by
the United States to Asia has increased to over 500  U. S.
dollars per ton (CFR Asia). The posted    price  in  China
increased to 5 600 - 5 700 yuan at the end of October.
The price of LDPE has made a dramatic rise in these  weeks.
The main factor is the strong demand of agricultural  film
in the north of China. However, the price rise  no  longer
has any driving force. The posted  price  in  the  Chinese
Plastic City increased to 6 800 - 7 000 yuan  per  ton  at
the end of October.
Producers hope to increase the price of PS by 10 - 20 U. S.
dollars per ton. The end users have little  inventory  and
the buyers have strong purchase intention.  The  suppliers
point out that the price of raw material styrene has  also
increased from 360 U.S. dollars per ton (CFR  Taiwan)   in
mid-September to 380 U.S. dollars per ton ( CFR  Taiwan) .
The price offered by Taiwan for goods to be  delivered  in
November is 490 - 520 U.S. dollars per ton (CIF Hong Kong)
. The price of high- impact  variety  is  around  50  U. S.
dollars per ton higher  than  the  price  of  conventional
varieties. The posted price in the  Chinese  Plastic  City
dropped to 5 300 - 5 500 yuan per ton at the end of October.
As more efforts are made in cracking down smuggling, the PP
market has become soft and the price has also  started  to
fall. Another factor for the price drop is the passing  of
toy production peak for the Christmas.   A  major  Chinese
importer has recently purchased some amount of  PP  to  be
delivered in November at 480 U.S. dollars  per  ton  ( CFR
China). The posted price in the Chinese Plastic City was 5
300 - 5 800 yuan per ton at the end of October.
As the ABS market is severely affected by the  soft  demand
of electric appliances in China, Asian producers have lost
their confidence in a price rise in November.  The  posted
price in the Chinese Plastic City dropped to 7 300 - 7 400
yuan per ton at the end of October.