Jiangsu Issues Plan to Develop Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
Click:390    DateTime:Nov.07,2019

Jiangsu is to produce more than 10 000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and construct over 50 hydrogen refueling stations, both by 2025, when a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry system is to be established, as detailed in Development Plan for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles the province issued recently. While improving hydrogen fuel cell vehicle related technologies to international level, Jiangsu is to support Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou and Nantong to develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. 

   The plan highlights buses, cargo vans, special vehicles and minivans that are all equipped with hydrogen fuel cells and boast endurance mileage of more than 500 kilometers. Further, the province is to accelerate industrialization of core components such as membrane electrode and bipolar plate, and help the nation establish a hydrogen energy technical standard innovation base.